"There are all kinds of love in this world,
but never the same love twice."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

My Story

Becoming a wedding celebrant for me is about having the amazing job of bringing joy to people and being involved in the happiest day of their lives. To join two people together in commitment to each other and celebrate their love is a truly fulfilling and satisfying career.

The idea came to me years ago when I attended my best friend's wedding at Amante in Ibiza in 2012. The mixed emotions of excitement, love and happiness are what make a wedding day so special. I had been asked to do a reading during the ceremony and a best man speech later in the day. I have always enjoyed presenting and public speaking, and through my work at the time as a trainer and educator within the hair industry, I was comfortable with speaking to small or larger groups of people, I'd always found pleasure in the anticipation and the sense of achievement that came afterwards. As I was watching the ceremony, I couldn't help but think, that guy has got an amazing job. I would love to do that. After my best man speech in which I had the guests engaged and laughing, people complemented me and the idea really started to take hold.

After returning home and slipping back into my normal day to day routine the idea slightly faded but was always in the back of my mind.

A few years later I attended another wedding at Elixir in Ibiza and once again the thought that, I really wanted to change my career and become a celebrant was once again prominent in my mind. After having worked for 14 years for a market leading commercial brand within the hair industry I decided that it was time to work towards doing just that! My wife and I started to have conversations about following our dream and returning to live in Ibiza once again, the place where we were living when we met, the place that holds a special place in both of our hearts.

At the beginning of 2019 I enrolled onto a training course with The Fellowship of Professional Celebrants. This fantastic course gave me all the information I needed to learn the procedures and structure of a wedding and the ceremony, an insight into creative writing, but most importantly how to really work with and get to know your couples, to really understand the style of ceremony that they want and which would suit them best. Having been a hairdresser as my first career I understand the importance of listening to people and interpreting the message they are conveying to you.

I feel my previous roles in hairdressing, training and education, presenting and sales have all contributed towards giving me the perfect skillset to be a wedding celebrant in my most favourite place in the world.

So, having spent 2019 honing my skills and mastering my craft in the UK I am now here in Ibiza to play my part in bringing couples together in their commitment to each other. Being instrumental in the romance and delight that a wedding brings to couples, their friends and families. I feel blessed to have found my calling.

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